S.E.D stranded next to the vending machine

>> Saturday, April 5, 2008

SED stranded in the rain next to the vending machine.

yesterday, at around 7pm, we were stuck in the campus due to heavy rain.
we had to wait for the rain to stop or renyai-renyai so that we could go back to the hostel.
In the mean time, we decided to stay in the surau at CLT. "WOW!" (Uncle Asnan, 2008) It was one big experienced and it was phun.

KAF in Telisai and they all having phun d Tutong Mall... syok. :)


hawts. guess which one is D and E??

another 'shadow' pose.

cermin sakti CLT. :P

Before heading to the hostel, it was still raining tho', so naik kan seluar. :D


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