I want to blog too!!

>> Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ohayou Minna~~ 

Ogenki desu ka?? 

Haha spontaneously speaking Japanese...I don't even know why..HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KAFSED!! This blog is officially 4 years old eee sayang we all are separated in different places esp c Saf~~ *Hai Saf!! lambai2 from Brunei* hahaha remember the choc cake we had msa launching of this blog?? Carved sendiri wordings nya~~ antique berabis! Looking forward for our reunion nanti~~ yayy yayy..when c Saf balik we shud plan the reunion asap!! XD

Currently at work, procrastination at its best! and anxiously waiting for closing time then my weekend will kick start with ERRANDS, picking up things I booked online and my sister from school( yes dh kerja pun will always be the family supir)..being stuck in the office 8 to 5, only online shopping can keep me sane hehe! There are tremendous pressure working in a freight forwarding company and its on daily basis..bear in mind 'express' punya psl bukan sja mau laju but 'express-ive' jua time mun memarahi urg hahaha I guess by now I am immune to all kinds of karenah manusia. Yang penting, keep your cool and keep smiling! Pasal 1. service with a smile, 2. customer will think you are just hopeless and they will stop arguing haha 3. if you keep your cool then they will their's too, confirm nda jadi marah punya I tell you~ 

Oh well I guess that is it for now~ Keep updating girls~~ =)))


Happy Anniversary KAFSED

>> Monday, March 26, 2012

Yesterday, 25.03.2012 marks the 4th year annivesarry, memories❤. I hope we all can meet again soon! All of us! Reunion ok! And compare ourselves dulu dan sekarang. Hahaha. Please no new member! Haha.
I love and miss you all!


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