End of TP

>> Friday, July 23, 2010

TP teachers together with the principal and deputy principal 2

Yup..end of TP people! Wooottt~ Wooottt~~~ It has been a wonderful experience for me! Taught me lotss of things N importantly built my confidence! I began to enjoy teaching...it was fun..tho at times it can be stressful..Im sooo gona misss SMSA~ the students n esp TP mates~ 7 weeks of ups and downs..our everyday inside joke..teasing each other..the staff lounge..sigh~ great memories!

Anyway~ new sem starting soonn..lots of things need to be done..i havent blog for the TP blog..mmmm~ itss kinda annoying to blog there..sloooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ maybe tomorrow~

Leave u with my pic with one of the classes i taught..the naughtiest..hehe~

My year 7B students..the lil rascals..hehe..ada2 saja niee ulah drg ah..soo gona miss em' =)




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