Visit to the turtle farm with the PMV students

>> Sunday, May 30, 2010


Week 2 of TP was ok I guess...Week 2 day CT brought me to help her supervised her PMV students together with another teacher. Went to the turtle farm in Serasa. The visit was part of the students' curriculum in which they had to clean the tanks and turtles and being assessed based on that. Afterward went to Muara beach to make sand sculptures of mark the World turtle day *here* I had an awesome time!

Let the pictures do the talkin ayt?

The Turtles

The students

Weeeeee...pigang turtles~

Making turtle sand sculptures~

Gona teach next week and Im nervous!!! I seriously have no idea how to teach effectively! Wish me luck!

Eh awu ada ceta year 7 buat lawak..haha..muka serious pun nda jadi serious...ada2 saja~ mau tau ask me urself too lazy to type~ hahah~=p

Till then..Tata~

A and F ur turn...Im waiting for your "2 minutes not 2 hours" update~ Lame I know..hahaha~ bah bah~

From KB with♥



A&F life as a Museum 'Curator' ahaha XD Day1-3

>> Friday, May 21, 2010

Hola my friends~~ sorry S n E sudah limpas 4hari bruth we have time to blog...

1st day was exciting plus jobless! I must say the best moment was during LUNCH!!! ahahaha went to see Ejat and Zul di Yayasan ahahah we smell like freshies!

Jobless di awal pagi~

Office kami besar, ada projector g tu!*padahal conference room* hehe

lepas kena bwa tour arnd MTM..stop by main mainan tradisi Brunei..very..hmm challenging esp. saluk-salukkan (nanti upld picnya)...pandai pnya urg Brunei dulu2 ni...

View di belakang MTM.

Time nunggu lunch huhu

After lunch balik office and then kana Brief oleh boss...*gasp! oh my why so banyak instructions*

Day2 International Museum Day 18th May 2010 with the slogan Museum for Social Harmony. Venue: Bubungan12, 8a.m. plus hari melawat gallery2 including Royal Regalia.

yang tudung hitam is our host agency's supervisor..young and beautiful ey? Dk.Norazah =)

oh yes..we nampak dalam berita!! =8D

Day3 Lisa sik its just us..continuing our visits to galleries..Brunei Museum yg di atas..creepy manequins =S and Royal Regalia lagi since lum abis the day before...and we took nda byk pictures that kana briefed lagi oleh boss besar..not our supervisor..given our own individual kana suruh review audio cassettes done by researches back in the 70s to80s yooo!! while Lisa kana team up with Lia doing invetories for collections dlm stor..*bowhh* and Zai kana suruh digitize some bibliographies..
thats all from us..for now....hehehe S n E update lh lagi...K bila nak update? D update jua lh~ IMY!!!

From A n F, MTM (Malay Technology Museum).


S & E..Life as a student teacher..Day 1

>> Monday, May 17, 2010

Oh blog we've been abandoning u for quite some time..we've been busy + lazyy~ heheh~

17th May 2010
mark the beginning of our career as a teacher...We started our TP this morning at Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Ali, KB~ Arrived at around 7am and were immediately briefed by the acting principal. Toured around the school and introduced to teachers. We were feeling very nervous! It was scary~ haha!

How was our first day?

All we did was sit and talked! Haha! It's exam week so we can't do any observation or teaching. However we both had to relief a class. Yr 9SA.
SA stands for Special Applied..yup special needs students..not physically but mentally..they are slow learners..S relieved for the 4th period and I relieved for the 5th period. It was our FIRST time entering a class as a was nerve wrecking! They are nice kids..funny too..both of us were asked the same questions..

" Sapa nama teacher? "

"Brapakan umur teacher? " Upon hearing our answers " Nahh..kann luruskannn 22! "

" Teacher...teacher..teacher suka Liverpool kah Man Utd? "

It was quite entertaining..and they are very good in art! They are also very respectful to teachers. Although they're kinda naughty at will always be kids~ heheh~

S " lost" a student~ haha~ * kami ganya tau tuee..kan S? * =p

Overall it was an okay day i guess..Day 1 is over..looking forward for the next few weeks to come!

Pictures of us:

Peek a boo! Yes we're that bored!
Teacher S is very " busy"

The school is still the same..
Except for the canteen area there are more tables as you can ones..and there are more PS area too..sorry laa ahh unlike mcm zaman2 tani..the new PS area bukan pakai wooden tables atu ahh semua pakai the new tables mcm dlm gambar ah..=p
Other TP friends..Suzi is missing in this pic and the other 2 guys..7 of us having our TP in SMSA.
Bah thats all from us...K, A & F what say u?!

From KB with

S & E

p/s: Manith D we miss u! =)


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