Happy 21st Birthday!

>> Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Today is my LOVELY COUSIN's 21st Birthday and her name is umm umm well I called her ATOI!! so I would love to nyanyikan a song for her hehhe

*ehem ehem*
Slllllllllllaaaaamatttt hari jadi...
Happy Birthhdayyyy to yuhhhh..
Slllllllllllaaaaamatttt hari jadi to ATOI...
Happy Birthhdayyyy to yuhhhh..
*karing leher eyhh*

To Atoi,
Mesti kah kau request barang yg mahal2 atu mesti kah? ;-p
Sorry I have nothing for your birthday yahh..
Nanti2 tah tu tunggu kau blanja aku makan alryt umm swensen?, fusion?, deli france(sp?)? etc...
or ice cream atleast :-p
Bah I wish you the very best, long life, semoga berkekalan dgn c ehem ehem and hope your WISHES come true yeahh...
So bila kan kawin nie? eyhh if kau kawin, aku sorang2 nie eyhhhh ;'-(.. nada tah dgn ku jln2 lagi nie.. hahha bah bah agatah kawin *kerja dulu eyhh, marah babu krg* hehhe
Love you always!
Dk. Iddatul Akma

aiyaa~ cannot use the toilet eyhh, how to pee pee eyhh

KuNi n atoi

KuNi n Atoi *AGAIN!*

*ATOIII! you owe me CUP CAKES!!!*

bah dats all yea..

Frm me, cuzen mu yang manja hantap
, Si KuNi anak Hj. Abdul Rahman



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