15 things

>> Sunday, August 24, 2008

State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself*The peoples I tag are then to follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.*No tag back.

1. I have weird nickname, only mi familia y mi best amiga knows! =)
2. I don’t eat sayur only some lah like timun if cut into smaller pieces..i can eat that y tambien carrots if it is cut into smaller pieces I can eat it , if it is round and big..not gonna eat it. Hahah =) my fave sayur pumpkin! =D *slurrrpp*
3. I prefer to sleep early, before 10pm =) I know I am a boring person, Oye! I need my full beauty sleep bah! =)
4. I am currently with someone =) who has a ‘baby’ who is merajuk right now, Get well soon ‘baby’! hahaha =P
5. I love to buy shoes, selipar, shoes, selipar if ada Ka-Ching! $
6. I love to eat. *burp*
7. My golf handicap still 27 =) hahahah, see I nunca update my score! Dios mios! When I turn 21, I am no longer being able to play golf, unless I pay by myself lah instead of my father. But I do love to play golf, the heat, the walk, the ambuk, hahaha. =)
8. I can sleep with my stomach empty! *dum di dum di dum*
9. I cried when watching sad movies, it touches mi Corazon!
10. Sometimes I sneeze when I smell something sweet, something weird, dusty, and also includes bau belacan! =D
11. I love coloured pens! I love it! *currently looking for marker pens from sharpies* hmmmm..

12. My fav colour tambien include PINK! My dad tau tu! =) I like pink because of Power Ranger!

13. I still watch cartoons! Naruto *belum abis tengok* I love to watch spongebob squarepants. I think Pocoyo is cute!

14. I can understand melanau but if I want to cakap, very malu because takut salah =)
15. I was mistaken for a Chinese-girl =) but its okay. hehehe I don’t understand Chinese! But I do understand Spanish! Hahahah. Prasan lah!

and now, i tag K|A|F|E|D and Zati =D


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