Surprise...Surpriseee and moreee Surprises....~~

>> Tuesday, July 22, 2008

E is back…hehe…here’s an update…

Sunday 13/7/08

Ada mkn2 umah zati…adi nya birthday….finally jumpa jua ngan zati..hehe..i was surprised to see ramai my friends di sana..although not all yang datang…meriah jua…siiiuukk..batah inda jumpa drg…mish em’…looking forward to another gathering…=)

Si Girlfriends ku

Zati & me

Monday 14/7/08

Pagi-pagi dah ada msg frm K…gtau ia turun KB with Aj and Yuz…since im bored and free so I decided to join them…ambil Effy den jumpa dorang d KB town…S inda jadi ikut ia malas ( I tink) D..missing in action…rupanya kmiri…hehe…anyway…after jalan2…they decided to come over to my house…and GUESS WHAT?! They made a surprise for me..haha…padan tahhh majal kan cari tmpt ada atap! N ngasutt srh pacah puasa * I was fasting that day* nasiibb inda tergoda dgn hasutan dorang..haha..they bought me a cake..celebrate la my birthday in advance..tkajutt jua kuu…after that they lepakk ja at my crib vaining~~ haha! Thank U guyssss…Lapsss UU!!! Cake masa sungkai baru dapat mknn…nyamannn mcm ada chocolate tronky (SP?)


Tuesday 15/7/08

Went to Bandar ada doa selamat at my cuz baru pindah umah…after that inda ku ingat apa ku buat…I tink went round2 bandar liat suasana perayaan…inda plang turun since hujaaannn…

Wednesday / Thursday 16/17/7/08

Went to UBD to work…I volunteer untuk bagi surat to the freshies….tiring..but FUN!! Mcm2 ulah urg dliat…cuci mata lagiii..haha…FASS freshies the guys not bad…haha…inda tau la ah yang lain coz aku jaga FASS ja dgni Effy…* sorry SHBIE curang jap =p*

Kuni & Effy 'at work'

2nd day…Kuni and Effy inda dtg…so im alone…Ham dangani jaga FASS..and I had another surprised….Boo came…haha…tbangang saja ku…he told me ia datang on Friday…tau2 ntah dari mana dtgnya he’s standing right in front of me…I was happyyy..=) he accompany me smpai around 4.30…thank u boo…u made my day! =)

N also thank u to that someone * u knoe who u r* =)

Next two days I didn’t come to volunteer…malas turun gpun no transporttt sama sapa jua…

Saturday 19/7/08

MY Bornday! Hehee…Exactly 12am…I got another surprised from my family..i was sleeping sudah ngalih nyamoo…b4 dat tbgn plang ku my bro dbndr txt me to greet me…kali kannnn baru ku kan smbg tdo…drg my family masukk my room with a cake…and they sang bday song…surprisingly my dad pun ada tot he was in Bandar…if ku liat balik the video my sis ambil caliiii…haha…malu ku kn post..=p Cakenya Nyamannnn….mint ice creammm cake *K…ICE CREAMMMM..haha!*

Mint Ice cream Cake..YUmmy~

HM turun KB that day..tapi ku malas turun…paning ku nyammooo inda btidur..tgh hari almost missed my date with boo since aku ttdo..haha…nasib tsadar..went to Ayamku to celebrate…butter milk chickennn nyammaaaaannn~~~ haha…boo’s beancurd pun not badd~~ ToFu!! ToFu!! Thank u for the treat luv…=)

Vanity strikes..

To everyoneee yang greett meee & the surprises…THANK YOUUUU…..SYGGGGG KAMUU…..*HUGS*

Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Twinss jua…Zuriah & EvE!! =)

Oppssss…panjang rupanya…hehe…diz week inda ku turun Bandar ngalihh kuuu…* Aj sampiiiitttt bah Bandar ah….luasss g KB* =p

Till then…take careee…Assalamualaikum…




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