Fish and Chips

>> Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Yorobon annyeong~

Yes, fish and chips..It's been a while since I ate Serikandi's fish and chips. Well, all thanks to Cg. Hjh Rashidah (my former Business Studies' tutor) for the lunch treat this afternoon@ Kate's Cafe (sorry guys, no pictures from the lunch outing coz kami semua busy makan :p) Gosh, I owe her big time! She helped me out A LOT during my A'Level years. Bow

Big thank you to Illy and Bebs too. I really had a lot of FUN especially listening to Bebs' interseting stories. Bah Bebs, bila ko mau bawa aku ke Korea ah? Ko tinggalkan aku arah Seoul saja while you're heading to Busan. Bulih ah? hehehe

Oh-oh, Cg. Hjh Rashidah also updated me on my long-lost GP partner in crime, AMALI! Wei, ke mana ko menghilang ah?! Di Malaysia rupanya ko masa ani. hehe

Cg. Hjh Rashidah told me he's taking politics now..Uuuuuuuu~ AND I heard his allowance is RM$3k . Kaya ko di sana atu ah hehe lucky u~ All the best of luck my friend happy

Illy, congratulations for getting into ITB!celebrateSeriously, I have a lot of things to share with you but we only have so little time *sighs*
Hopefully, I'll be seeing you around Tungku Link hehe

Alright, that's all for now..Oh yeah, BTW, I want to apologise to K for not replying her text. Sorry dear, I received your text when I was in Miri. It's too late too apologise~ it's too late~ hey~ hey~ hey~ hehehe

To A, ada udah Souvenirku ?? I'm looking forward to recieve it *nda tau malu*

To F, E, and S, bali tah peralatan2 hostel kamu atu. Aku nda mau share ubat gigi or sabun sama kamu ah! LOL



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