Pre-examination stresss..

>> Saturday, May 3, 2008

hellooo ppl..

i dun rily hav any point to write today tho...lotsa things to and point to argue either..

yes K..i know..."kn o9 ku SEKAJAB ahhh.." sekajab th krg...ngek...

well at least...hafal dh counter example punya stufff...chapter 1.5 logic...

emmm...lets try uh??

1) "since","in as much as" and "for" tells u that the last two statement is premises:)

2) "hence" and "accordingly" tells u that the second statement is conclusion:)

3) "thus" and "consequently" tells u that the last statement is conclusion:))..

taaaaaaadaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ i least 5% of logic!! yehaaaa....

welll...later tonight gonna study History..the most pyh subject for me..then tomorroww wud be socio and anthro day!!!

last but not least from me and representing Sister-hoodies....BEST OF LUCK FOR ALL UBDIANS AND UNISSA PPL FOR THE 2ND SEMESTER EXAMMSS...ayt lets all menuju ke arah kesempurnaan Insan:))

Adioss..till next time..


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