Will the 'culprit' plzz stand up~~

>> Sunday, September 28, 2008


Pada suatu petang yang indah….semangat udah kan balik kampong…skalinyaaaaaaaa…………*toink* *kaboooommmmm*…-bukan bunyi badil…tapi….someone’s blood pressure naik…GUESS WAT??? Our beloved K punya car kana hit and run…


She properly parked her car at the hostel parking lot…NO..she didn’t block anyone or not properly parked…perfecto parking…and as far as I know that area luasssssss brabissss…and ntah cemana kah that ‘culprit’ bleh tergesel arh keta K…buliihhh kah tueee luasssss kali ahhhh area atu nda mudah tergesel…maybe that person waiting di siring…tapiii ampirrr banar jua waiting atu…smpai bleh tergesel…luasss x ahh…ish ish ish….happy dah kan balik rumah…ilang mood tarus…buat dosa urg ja…ingin minta kana sumpah…kurang pahala puasa…haiyaaaa..atleast leave a note saying sorry kahhh…or…phone number kah…adooiii…time puasa2 niee pun kan buat hal…hehe..i know aku emo tho ukn my car…doing this post on behalf of K..lau ia buat krg…xplicit word kuar susah tue…hehe..anywayss…to anyone who saw the incident or…terasa..mengakun tah…or leave a msg arh cbox kah…K just curious kan tau ja who did this to her car…suspected: a white car..(maybe)


Quote of the day: I officially jadi worshop no.1 customer! (K,2008)

Till than..that’s all pepzz…will be on hiatus…gona enjoy mi holiday in KB~~wohoo~~~





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