when your HEART is with me

>> Thursday, September 11, 2008

when you said that you LOVE me and..
you give your heart to me....

I we I cut your heart into two pieces...

to see how deep is your LOVE...is your love how deep *la la la la* (singing the song from Take That...classic!) =P

biology practical!
hahhaha okay that is way too much (-_-) hahha
why would the sapi kerbau gave its heart to me?? hhmmmm =P

Anyway, we had our biology practical tadi, to observe the parts of the heart. so we observed the kerbau's heart and it was really big! and heavy! y tambien caro$! (and also expensive!)

Other than that, we had to observe the blood circulation in the fish's tail but tirah and me forgot to take a picture of the kesian little fish, plus in or on the body of the lil fish, i saw a parasite..aiya, gelik lah! but we managed to name the fish and tirah decided to name it as Tony! Tony! we miss you so much already bah! hahahah

well, quiero ir a la cama! adios


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