Single and Available for all of u LADIES out there!

>> Monday, June 2, 2008

I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to my 3 SPECIAL FRENS who make my holiday a BLAST and FUN FUN FUN!!!! *speech banar*

So for my appreciation, I would love to "introduce" them thru our blog to all viewers of especially to GIRLS out there who still "mencari cinta" yang masih tiada datang2 nya...

To my 3 SPECIAL FRENS, you know I love u guyz right.. so I hope u guyz like it ;-p *evil laugh*


Azhan, Aj and Yuz - All single

meet Samuel Rizal (Eiffel Im in Love...) look alike

Mohammad Yussof bin Abdul Sawal
D.O.B: 23rd October 1987
Zodiac: Libra, same as me. But it doesn't mean that we have the same attitude ok.
He loves to play football. FYI ia ada SIX PACKS you know. So wat else. He loves to wear casual t-shirt especially football jersey. Right now he wants GERMANY's jersey. So if you wanted to win his heart, dats a clue for you girls.
He suka makan especially nasi. He prefers BURGER KFC "zinger" rather than BURGER Mc DONALD...
He always says "Nda kamu lapar kah?!?!"
He is manja and his laugh so funny!!!
likes cute and small girl.
So if u think u meet that criteria, contact me K thru out tag board. I will tell you more about him if you interested ;-D

Yuz my happy go lucky n fun fren!!!! Luv ya!

What it's like to date a Libra Man -

The Libra man is very popular with women because he is charming, harmonious and can relate to women on their level - a characteristic of Libra is the ability so see the world through the eyes of others. Libra men do this to seduce the girl and it always works. He always seems to be on the search for the perfect women, unfortunately, that does not exist. The closest thing a perfect woman could do is appreciate and be in awe of his stardom. Look up to him, admire him, he is a sucker for flattery. Do not nag or pick on his inability to make a decision, it will simply put pressure on him. You make the decision if he cannot, he will happily go along with you and deep inside will be happy that you took control. source:

He has facebook so add him if you want to know more


Aj who always spoiled me

Khairul Ajmal Zharif bin Haji Saidin
D.O.B: 27th January 1988
Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
He is brabisly "pendulur" well only to his frens tho. haha..
He is a really nice(brabis) and innocent(first glance plang ganya tu) person that you'll ever meet!
He loves to jalan-jalan and play SOLITAIRE(buang boring) and and wear t-shirt with collar.
If you ask him "Nda mengantuk kah?" like during midnight and he says "Inda", tipu nya tu cuz he actually nya yawning tuuu so let him sleep.
His quote is "Baik~".
You can depend on him but NOT USING him lah.
He likes "hard to get" type of girl. So if you tink you're the "jual mahal" type of gurl. This guy might likes you.
Drop your comment or anything if you want him ok. I'll tell you anything that is necessary.

for girls out there

What it's like to date a Aquarius Man -

This man is all about intellectual stimulation. You can be the prettiest girl in the world but if you do not stir his mind, he won't bother. Communication is so important to this man. Deep inside he longs for love but this causes him inner trouble because of his inability to understand emotion so an Aquarius man in love often stumbles on his own words, be patient with him and don't hold it against him because deep inside, he is having fun. Beware that an Aquarius man can fall out of love as easily as falling in love. The woman has to be able to adapt to him, he will not change for anybody and demands respect and understanding for the way he is, no matter how eccentric his ideals are. He needs stimulation and a partner to share life's adventures with, not just someone to sit on the couch and watch a movie all the time. Do not press him emotionally or tie him down with demands and obligations because this will cause him to run. Never be jealous, this is a big red flag to him and he will leave right away, the Aquarius man can never be tied down. If you give him all he needs, he will be completely faithful so you should not worry when he is out on his own, give him space and respect his privacy and all will be well. Aquarius man is for the woman who loves a challenge and adventure. source:

He is a really nice guy to be with, so lookout for his facebook k

He likes to cari pasal especially to me!

Azhan bin Anuar
D.O.B: 5th March 1985
Zodiac: Pisces.
He is umm very pendiam type of guy. He looks like macam malas kan bercakap but once he talks, argue argue argue. But its fun tho to argue with him cuz it won't be sampai berkelahi.
When he starts smiling dats mean ada makna tu so u better be careful.
As quoted by him "yup the world is small, dats why 2 people can't smile at the same time. If not cari pasal tia".
Owh if you are vain brabis, This guy is good for you cuz he has an awesome camera and Im LOVIN IT haha..
Owh one thing about him is he is caring, deep(msgs nya, my god!) and concern brabis. So wat do you tink?
Type of gurl: Umm.. it seems like berubah2 so it looks like he just follow the flow.
So if he is the one for you, feel free to drop ur detail on our tag board yeah.... fell free asking me question :-D

trying to be part of the sisterhoodies

What it's Like to Date a Pisces Man-

Pisces man is the ultimate romantic, the sensitive man who feels with a woman. Pisces male is the ideal zodiac sign for the woman who complains that men are not sensitive enough, this man is. However, he has such an ideal of romance that is unrealistic and will fall out of love when he realizes that there is no such thing as the perfect woman. This man lives in the world of dreams and he needs a woman to keep him grounded. He always seems to chose the wrong woman, or a woman he can't have like a married woman that way there is no worry about becoming emotionally attached. He needs a woman who can dominate him, but very subtly. She has to be able to help him steer clear of bad habits and bad thoughts. Pisces man needs sensitivity, generosity and compassion, nurture him and he will nurture you back. A fulfilling emotional relationship for the strong yet sensitive woman. source:

Senyuman bermakna tuuuu

To all my man, Thank you so much for everything you did to me...
I'm sorry if this embarrassing you but atleast I advertise you guyz for free with GOOD comments lagi tu.
So I hope you guyz don't mind and we'll always be friend hehe *mengampu*.

Bah if you guyz bored, rajin2 lah turun ke Tutong or KB (but singgah ke Tutong first cuz I wanna join too)...Dependent!!!


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