hot, sweat and free foods

>> Sunday, June 29, 2008

i went to Annual MD open house at Panaga with my family, it was hot and sunny day! plus i am sick, *coughing* and *sneezing* but we came for free FOODs!!! yeah!! free ice cream, cotton candy and pop corn and and banyak lah. This is year was not exciting as the previous2 year :( but anyway, i enjoy MAKAN saja lah. :D
...we left early cause bapa have to get ready utk kerja malam.

wani and irdina...after abis makan

"Oh NO!! tomorrow is a school day!" :P


i can also teach my sis to do that... "mesti kah tu??"

"Ka.. dina mau ice-cream"

Cotton candy baby!! taste: too sweet, yuck!

playing footy

my bro with the yellow tee

My brother, Hazmi while waiting for ice cream.

Straws. The three colours, red, yellow and green, common to the KAFSED, and its all because of K. :P


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