where to start?
>> Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hola. i am back blogging. yeah. Ok. so lets start with last month, the second week of April, i celebrate mi novio's birthday. We went for a dinner and enjoy taking fotos together at pantai Empire♥ *ala-ala pre-wedding fotoshoot* Hahaha
Third week of April, i started my revision cause exam was in the early month of May. Had rugby training as usual every monday and wednesday and also, i had dance practice at night.
Anyway, in that week my dad bought me a bag, my first Guess handbag. :) i like i like i like. thank you.
The dance practice i had was a korean traditional fan dancing, i like it, its good to know how to bailar(to dance), we, some of the KCC committee, the ladies, were performing for the Chinese culture week which was held on 24th April. so let the fotos do the chatty chat chat. :)
While waiting...
and finally...
On 26th April, sunday, there was KB 10's rugby tourney held at my home ground! the Sharks took part in the game and Congrats for the MUD sharks (the ladies) for the 2nd place, lost in the final against Phyton. And for the male sharks, bueno suerte next time. :)
I did not watch the footy match, DPMM FC against SAF FC that night cause i was so damn tired and no one was going to send me to the Stadium :( but glad to know that DPMM Fc had won the match!
And so the final week of April, the revision week, no more lectures. Spent most of the time in my room or in the library *as far i remember* doing revision with Rozi and Tirah, although i might be gone menyeleweng but Thank you kamu for helping me!
And so the early month of May, where most people were on hiatus, i think lah ah. Exam Exam, Two long weeks of Exam. Sitting in a cold, muy frio room, i mean hall. Glad that it is over now. After my last paper, on 13th of May, went out with Mama Rozita and Adik Tipah and sleepover at Tirah's house. We went to pantai Berakas *my first time*, to the Mall for dinner and K-A-R-A-O-K-E-ing, i did sing cause i was really stressed and marah. :| anyway.. and then we went to Snow ice. Yummy! I suggest you all to go to sana and try it out. It's so delicious. Its not ice-cream or sorbets or anything, its mcm very soft tasty ice lahh. Suggest you all to try 'choco night' or make your own :) by choosing the ice, toppings and etc. To Mama Rozita, you better try it out ok since you can't hari atu. That night, at T's house, we watched a movie called 'Pensil', a very nice, touching movie. *i cried*
And that week tambien, on Friday, i went out with K, F and E. A and D were'nt with us. :( but hey we did have phun; Shopping, Makan-ing, Vain-ing and Snow ice-ing :D. i bought shoes. i love it but 'beauty is pain' thanks E for the tip. hahahah.
awu eh, what are you waiting for?
On Saturday, the KCC committee had dinner at Dr.Kim's house. Us the ladies, Airul, D, E and Umi stayed at her appartment for a night cause we want to swim swim. We didn't go for a swim that night cause the swimming pool was closed early. :( and it was raining.
And finally, Sunday morning, we conquer the Apartment. :D We went swimming, yay! although i could not swim and was really really tired but i had phun!
Ps: for those who took GS, now i know where one of our lecturer lives. ehehe.
at Ms.Kim doorstep.
ready to swim
*more fotos soon, Insya Allah.
I left the RC that afternoon for my three months holiday! im gonna miss a lot of people esp mi novio. te quiero! im gonna miss rugby training jua. :( hmmppfff, what to do..goyang kaki saja lah. so i guess thats all for today. *eh eh, why areyou're so mean to me..* Hanya Mampu Berdoa..
Adios y Gracias. *thanks to those yang took the fotos. :)
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