Students oh students~

>> Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stresssssssssss~ I need air~ I need space~ haha..over..Just had topical test for my yr class did well *duh* the other class despite me telling them few weeks before doesn't make a difference...few interesting and creative answers from the students I had noooooo idea where they got the answers from..and one student asked me this morning during the test " Cher what is a pyramid?" =.="

Ngalih ku..anyway im thankful to have great colleagues nda jua luan stress rasanya lil time so much to do..supervisor no idea bila datang~ biar tia dulu..CTs few observation alum ada feedback..soon..again biartia dulu..too tired to be bothered! I need a massage..seriously I do need one!

Off to bed in a bit~ exhausted as always..few more weeks to go and im doneee~ Patient...=)

Sweetdreams everyone..




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