>> Sunday, March 22, 2009
we left isb ground on friday at around 3pm and arrive miri mega hotel at 6pm lh.this foto was taken on our last training, ilikethisfoto! show rugged lah tu me and mina. but kaki crossing.hahah *taken from fb*
miri city, view from our room. @6pm+
the golf course. :) i dont like the course actually, very narrow. :)
i shared my room with tirah, and this is our room! it was big and i am happy, i didnt expect it. hehe. i picked the large bed. heheh. ikut badan wah.
At 7pm+ we were really hungreh so we went to bintang plaza. we walked from our hotel to bintang plaza. quite far lah. hmmm.. how i wish my parents were there, i want to buy the baju!! waaa~at night 10pm+
awal pagi @6am+
the 6th Borneo touch rugby tourney in Miri.Sharks Vs Pythons *did we win?*
kesiaan c johnny our bus driver..he waited for so long.
Khai/Hagemaru and Tajul enjoying their meal at Piasau Boat Club *we were lost trying to find the location* boo hoo hoo.
hawts. *prasan..i know!* hhehe
i love this shirt. because the orang utan gives thumb up! :) *i am wearing it now tho'* heheh
adik tipah was hyper in the bus *idk..huhu rock rock bebeh ia udah, 1st time ni*
menghayati lagu~ she won't sleep but...siapa yg tidur nah? scroll down..
"sayap" tidur
another "sayap" tidur..heheh *sorry G.K for upload this foto, u can lastik my hands tmrw, but definitely gonna lastik u back!* whoahahhaah
gatal hidung psal the person sit behind me smells. huhu :P nada lah.
im off helping the wonder pets! hahahah.
wonder pets~ wonder pets we're on our way~ to help the baby bird and save the day~
yes, right now im goyang kaki at Kb! errmm..essay?
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