Sorry for being M.I.A
for the past few ummm days?, months?
I is not sure hehhe
being part of student council is
HECTIC and BUSY to d HANTAP-ness
no kidding I tell you
I miss my hunnehs *FSED*
I miss my coursemates
How I wish we could spend time
mcm dulu *sigh*
well few more months den
However, its being an AWESOME experience tho
and I love every min of it
below are 'some' pictures of me n A
during our activities or events
let d pictures do all the talking yea
*warning: TONES of pictures as u scroll down hehe*
ahaa, me n A were joining National Day Marching
Patriotic much eiii *;-p*
UBD Open Day
Me n My AJKs *Heart u guyz, thanx for d support*
A n K during d Launching of Leadership Course
Hafiz, Jamal, Qawiy, K, Shafiee, Nazri n Azhar
On our way to TEMBURONG baby
K n A
Kye, Nafi, Dk Amal, K, A n Khalil
On Tamuai
Kamil, A, K, Khalil n Dk Amal
Us in Ulu Ulu Temburong
Our bed hehehe
Rafting and Kayaking
Wet wet us
Cooking Demo *I had fun tho I felt sleepy ;-p*
K on Canopy Walk *Luvin d view!*
Canopy Walk!!
One of the activity
Sungai Apan Waterfall
The top waterfall *steep hantap d place*
Hafiz, Shafiee n K
Nafi, Dk Amal, K n Shafiee at Sungai Apan
Poco-Poco?? *hehehe*
Top: Azhar, K, A n Hafiz
Below: Shafiee, Nazri n Amal
Shafiee, K, Hafiz, A, Khalil n Silah
Model for umm aaaa hemmm DUGONG?!?!
Nuzul, Aizat, K, Kye n Silah
Last group photo in Ulu Ulu *pouting baby~*
Rock on!
It was raining on our way back *siuk siuk siuk*
Again pouting *I luv dis pix but blurr ;-(*Those are some of the memories as being part of student councilMore pictures plang but I HATE UPLOADING!Lama wahhh~In Temburong, I managed to doCanopy Walk, climbing d bukit bukau,went in to d jungle, ate those kampung vege,rafting!, TIME MANAGEMENT *finally geezz, shower for less den a hour gosh!*,went to waterfall *jauh brabezzz* and a lot more.Owh I won in dis one activitywhere we were in a group of 4den each group must send one of their member to d frontthat they think have a sweet smile"Antar kwn anda ke hadapan yg ada senyuman manis"heheh n I won yay yay, I got 9/10 for SENYUM MANITHwuhuuuu KAMBANG MUCH ;-p
A didn't managed to naikcanopy walk cuz she was demam.Shes also didn't go to the waterfall *thank god kau stayed, steep brabis n jauh!*A demam I tink bcuz of the "tulungggg, tulungggg, tulunggggg" *with big eyes LOL*yup our raft hanyut aaa iatah panic c A hahaI had fun laughing tah plang hehe *luv u bitchttt*Back from TemburongI brought with me:Memories and Bruises *I fall like most of d tym, geeezzzz*Bah dats all for now
I'll update nanti lah ah hehe
C yahhhhh people!!!