Can't sleep and don't want to count the days either..

>> Monday, December 29, 2008


I knw we have been quiet eversince the holiday started..well ol six of us i guess busy doing our own thing back home or for some highly respected, much loved and dedicated ones are busy going back and forth from campus and home ehe*love u gals..jn bubut aku keh i can't run dat fast hehe*

As for me, my holidays were mostly spent with my family home chillin wit my sibs or gone out wit em..lotsa bonding going on hehe kids grown up so fast i could not bliv it fr a second..but yeah..

Wel..I also missed out quite much..I did nt join BPM ppl fr a day trip to KB n TUT..did nt join them to Niah either..nor da Picnic at Muara Beach..I'm sorry guys..I jz gotta be here wit my family..I cnt do much bt at least I'm here..for them..

Why do I refuse to countdown the days? Coz I dun knw wats waiting for me in 2009...2008 does not being totaly nyc wit me..*but somewhat its fine cuz life cud be harsh sometimes* but when it get too harsh and unbearable..u definately does not want to get thru it agen! Life rotates too fast when u r enjoyin the wonderful moments but would rotate freakin slow when its unbearable!

Another year, another new problems, another ways to solve...Another decisions to make..Another yada yada yada..all sort of things when time changes..

'Change' to me is lot difficult word compared to other scientific o metaphoric words that u need to hit the dictionary for..a lot of questions in it..why change? How to change? Should we change? Or should others change?

Ryt nw..wats in my head..I wont change to satisfy others..I have my own opinion and principles..but unless f its in the university requirement or job specification..then I wud consider..

Why don't we just blend in instead of 'change' to fit in..okay some of u might think dat I'm yapping nonsense in the middle of the night! Well..blame it on flu med dat was supposed to doze me off..but didn't and my opinion o is it (emo? Sensitivity?) is totaly off tracked..sorry ppl haha seriously not an update dat u guys need huh?

Well..don't positive thinking tells me..there is always a chance of success and happiness when the great wheel year someone else myt hold the lucky charm and won a noble prize o sumtin..may be and jz may be next yr would be our turn!


oh great..another family gathering later and I'm not sleeping yet!

K- don't worry dear u will get ur social life anytime soon~ ada hikmahnya tue ur sacrificing a lot dh ryt it gonna shine up ur cv nanti dat ur future employer tpaksa pkai sun glasses tu jz to read! Hahaha IMY dear!

A- I knw u cn make the best of any time and have a lot of fun walopun bz hantap! I missed hangin out wit u jua esp ur stories dat definately cn make me laugh!

S- The last time I met u masa antar c A k rasau! Rasa mcm lma dh kn hahaha miss u jua S..where hv u been?? Hehe hope dat u r having phun jua..i'm sure u do~~

E- Helloo my blackmail victim!! Haha I knw I've been sucha biatche sal kcau2 ko ato..hehe..sorry dear ntah napa suka ku ko kusut atu bh..haha to be less evil lets say u look cute masa kna blackmail haha..

D- Hehe last 2wks we went out together..chill with Ck.Rashidah..Mali and Payet..*thankss cgu sal lanja ah..shud lanja agen eyhh and had a lot of laughters hangin out wit dz guys* D hws da St.Trinian movie? Siuk? Hehe..bila g merusah kdai dvd d kb ani? Haha last2 ea jua vcd ku bli instead of dvd cuz dvd lot xpensive here..i stil dun undrstand y..they r mostly pirated anyways..*'m not cheap..but smart!* Lol.

Dats ol from me folks..
Maaf ats segala ksalahan..tekasar bhasa..terambil hati o telapas kata..even tepusing kepala..


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