>> Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hola…Que tal? I know we’ve been quite since the holiday…I don’t know about the others but as for me my holiday was awesome! Been busy attending functions and same as F I’ve been busy bonding with mi familia…hehe…hey this is the only time I get to spend my time with mi familia coz as new sem starts I’ll be spending less time at home –KB- & more time in Bandar. Actually there’s a lot to update…even ceta lama pun kn d update..hehe…

What am I up to??? MmM…let me see…my holiday starts off with having breakfast with AFS…D was supposed to join us but due to particular reason she couldn’t make it. Dropped A at rasau to send her off to Niah. Then I attended my cousin’s engagement...joined LNG’s HLP *bukan plang in a day I did all the activities phm2 la*..anyway I walked/ran for 5km..tiring but fun & my leg hurts after that! Haha! One Friday I sent my brother to the mosque for the Friday prayer and while waiting went to the beach alone played at the playvground *I know….siuk sendiri kn! Haha..tghari lagi tue! And SUNYI!..but it was FUN! When my mum found out I was scolded…coz I went there alone & time sunyi! p/s: Luv…if u read this jgn mrhhh jua ahhh..buuuuu~~~=p*

During Christmas holz went to Bandar attended a wedding & went shopping! Yess….i shop till I’m broke! Hehe! It wasssss CRAzeHH!!! Everything I saw was on SaLE!!! Haha! Then I attended another wedding *I knowwww byk waaa urg kahwin ahhh…I accompanied my mum bh yatahhh ikoott~~~* di tutong as usual bila jua kan balik tarus singgah Hua Ho tutong to cuci mata…jln2..hehe…

Also there’s a small family football tourney at my granny’s house. There were not many of us*tourney siuk sendiri plg tue actually* hehe..but we had fun...there was bbq, cake, we teased, laughed & enjoyed ourselves!

In addition to that I also went to Miri! YeS…again shopping! But didn’t do much shopping this time as I’m trying to save my Ka-Ching! Hehe...YES SALES were everywhere but managed to fight the temptation! YaY Me!=p Also..i met Yuz & Aj at the Imperial Mall. =)

On New Year’s eve…didn’t do anything…went to my granny’s place..just hangout with my cousins…we didn’t have the usual celebration as everyone was working * usually it was a whole day event* instead we do it the next day 1st Jan 09. It was actually my granny’s birthday celebration. There were games, lucky draws and not forgetting fun & laughter! Haha! =p I Stayed at my granny’s for a few days.

Atu panjanggggggg~~~ haha! Seriously my holiday was awesome! Sad to leave home….my 4th semester started on the 12th so went back to hostel on the 11th and GUESS WAT?????? Teka Waaa~~~~~~ Bah lajuuuu teka…iski ku udah nieee kan bagitau! Haha! OUR TOILETS INDA ADA PINTU~~~wOhOOOO~~~~ Suka jua kami tueeee mandi n do the businesses arh block lain~~~while blogging toilets kami in progress busai. MmM…after few weeks *according to the international students who were living at the hostel during the holiday* doorless…WoW…efficient eh cara drg kaja ahh…hehe!

Bah eyh panjang hantap udh nie…enuff said…nah picturesss~~~ =)

During HLP

Footie Tourney

New Year:


Us =)



YaY...i succeeded in my first attempt..buttermilk chix!

WoW toilets!:

YaY ada pintu!


Bah..Thanks for reading my nonsense ranting hope u enjoyed it..hehe…nanti2 lagi..have a nice day people..Assalamualaikum.~~



p/s: i miss u i miss u i miss u!!! <3


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