Visit to the turtle farm with the PMV students
>> Sunday, May 30, 2010
Week 2 of TP was ok I guess...Week 2 day CT brought me to help her supervised her PMV students together with another teacher. Went to the turtle farm in Serasa. The visit was part of the students' curriculum in which they had to clean the tanks and turtles and being assessed based on that. Afterward went to Muara beach to make sand sculptures of mark the World turtle day *here* I had an awesome time!
Let the pictures do the talkin ayt?
Gona teach next week and Im nervous!!! I seriously have no idea how to teach effectively! Wish me luck!
Eh awu ada ceta year 7 buat lawak..haha..muka serious pun nda jadi serious...ada2 saja~ mau tau ask me urself too lazy to type~ hahah~=p
Till then..Tata~
A and F ur turn...Im waiting for your "2 minutes not 2 hours" update~ Lame I know..hahaha~ bah bah~
Week 2 of TP was ok I guess...Week 2 day CT brought me to help her supervised her PMV students together with another teacher. Went to the turtle farm in Serasa. The visit was part of the students' curriculum in which they had to clean the tanks and turtles and being assessed based on that. Afterward went to Muara beach to make sand sculptures of mark the World turtle day *here* I had an awesome time!
Let the pictures do the talkin ayt?
The Turtles
The students
Weeeeee...pigang turtles~
Making turtle sand sculptures~
Gona teach next week and Im nervous!!! I seriously have no idea how to teach effectively! Wish me luck!
Eh awu ada ceta year 7 buat lawak..haha..muka serious pun nda jadi serious...ada2 saja~ mau tau ask me urself too lazy to type~ hahah~=p
Till then..Tata~
A and F ur turn...Im waiting for your "2 minutes not 2 hours" update~ Lame I know..hahaha~ bah bah~
From KB with♥