Lazy to the maximum capacity!

>> Tuesday, February 23, 2010

May be its the weather~ panas salah...hujan pun salah~

Tomoro presentation Mass clue yet..darn it..oh Effy why so lazyyyyyy!!!

Looking forward~~~ MID SEMESTER BREAK!!! Jog, library,lepaks, tv and pantai!


Monday blues~

>> Monday, February 22, 2010


Currently lying oN my beD blogging via my hp n im feeling lazy! I dun feel lyk doing anyting today. .coz its mOnday n im having monday blues. .*haha. .Alasan!* Will be having my developmental pSychology pResentatioN later. .Cant wait to get over it!

Its NatioNal Day weEk starting today i woNder if UBDians will aCtUally wear cara melayu n baju kurung the whole week. I doubt that. Haha! oH well. .ANother busy weEk. .when will I be asSiGnMent-lesS? Haha. .mimpi la! Enuff said. Off to shower! have a nice day people!

HaPpY NatioNal Day beloveD Brunei! =)


p/s: D. .My apologies for being MIA!


The Little Something That We Have Been Longing For

>> Sunday, February 14, 2010

Yes, and this little something is called holiday. That is all of us have been longing for after few rough months. Firstly, sorry for the lack of updates from moi. ><
Flashback time!! Yay.

December 2009.

December kicked off with a good start, up until the end of it. New Year was...*speechless* New Year was lonely. That is all that I can say. The family was not in the country and I spent the New Year's Eve eating instant noodle, and helping out my Assistant Resident (who as well turned out to be lonely herself) to do kitchen duty. I volunteered. Hey, kitchen duty is not that bad..especially when you are running out of good movies to watch hehe
December oh December. You were one heck of a month, weren't you? *shook head*
Fireworks in December.
Fireworks are such a big thing in Japan. Nyeeeh. So over-rated so to speak.

Switch gear.

January 2010

Well, well, well. It was so-so. Not so good, and not so bad either. Ok. So I lied. January was hell. Happy? *sighs* One major problem came knocking. I wanted to shoot myself. I don't want to discuss it here. What done is done. I thank God it was over now. Thanks to those who provided their endless support. Couldn't thank you enough *bows*
Spending the special day away from home was beyond words. I died inside. It snowed heavily and campus was closed. Great! The only things that made me smile was reading those birthday greetings from friends. And...that oovoo session with family. They bought me a cake and sang birthday song. I almost cried, who wouldn't? Kitchen Floor's meeting took place that day as well. Gaaahhh. But the floormates were so sweet. They sang! Double treat and happiness was an understatment. But still..What's more to say? December and January ganged up on me. All I could do was be patient. *smiles* ...and it paid off. As January came to an end, good things happened again. Alhamdulillah. I knew since then, February will do me good :D


Finals were officially over on the 2nd and I jumped around like a lady who has just won a lottery. 2nd Quarter of the semester was way better than the first one, that is what I think.
Post-exams = post-exams' parties. Indeed. Attended few parties, most of them farewell parties, at the AP House. Ok now. Don't get me wrong. Not that kind of party that you have in mind. I call it "let's eat and gain weight together because exams are over" party. hehe Been eating like crazy. The memorable ones I have to say were the ones that I had with the Japanese Class (different occasions). The karaoke part was horrible. I suck at singing, big time. Thank God sensei had already left when I sang or else she would laugh her ass off. Epic failure hehehe
As for today

Nah, been doing nothing special recently. Just the usual routine... which includes waking up at 9/10 am, working out, making late lunch, surfing the net, watching movies & crunching snacks, talking to family and friends, and sleep. Life has been treating me good. No pressure, just boredom. Boredom is ok, I can handle it. Me and boredom, we are soulmates =)
6 more days till Tokyo!!! I'll try not to spend a penny until the trip. Transportation is expensive like hell. I have spent more money on transportation than on food. Hah! Sad but true. But it's ok. I'll do anything to be away from these depressing mountains. Can't wait to leave! Yay~
Will go to Fukuoka in late March until early April. Arrrgh, finally to Fukuoka! ...And in April. Spring semester starts. Really looking forward to that. *no sarcasm included* I really look forward to the new semester and meeting new people ^^
That is all for now fellas. Till then, bye.

さよならね別府~ I'll see you soon.


Flying back to my heaven


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