We definately love FINAL YEAR!!
>> Saturday, December 18, 2010
I miss you ladies....
Everyday, every hour, minute, second..every moment in uni life is a learning journey to adulthood....
We have been through laughter, tears, sheer madness, bimboness together...sometimes (ESPECIALLY DURING ASSIGNMENT SEASON, REVISION WEEK AND EXAM WEEK) we go through WORLDLY HELL 3times every academic year!
Thank God we have our loved ones, family and friends. Alhamdulillah Syukur =)BEST OF LUCK DEAREST E AND S~ Mudahan berjaya dalam bidang perguruan! Didiklah anak bangsa kitani supaya menjadi insan yang cemerlang! (Hehehe aku kh yg tulis ani?? woooot!)
DEAREST K, D and A! It is still a long journey to go...I hope we can survive the final upcoming torments and tonnes of essays to come!!!